API Docs for: 2.0.0

File: src/pixi/filters/RGBSplitFilter.js

 * @author Mat Groves http://matgroves.com/ @Doormat23

 * An RGB Split Filter.
 * @class RGBSplitFilter
 * @extends AbstractFilter
 * @constructor
PIXI.RGBSplitFilter = function()
    PIXI.AbstractFilter.call( this );

    this.passes = [this];

    // set the uniforms
    this.uniforms = {
        red: {type: '2f', value: {x:20, y:20}},
        green: {type: '2f', value: {x:-20, y:20}},
        blue: {type: '2f', value: {x:20, y:-20}},
        dimensions:   {type: '4fv', value:[0,0,0,0]}

    this.fragmentSrc = [
        'precision mediump float;',
        'varying vec2 vTextureCoord;',
        'varying vec4 vColor;',
        'uniform vec2 red;',
        'uniform vec2 green;',
        'uniform vec2 blue;',
        'uniform vec4 dimensions;',
        'uniform sampler2D uSampler;',

        'void main(void) {',
        '   gl_FragColor.r = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord + red/dimensions.xy).r;',
        '   gl_FragColor.g = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord + green/dimensions.xy).g;',
        '   gl_FragColor.b = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord + blue/dimensions.xy).b;',
        '   gl_FragColor.a = texture2D(uSampler, vTextureCoord).a;',

PIXI.RGBSplitFilter.prototype = Object.create( PIXI.AbstractFilter.prototype );
PIXI.RGBSplitFilter.prototype.constructor = PIXI.RGBSplitFilter;

 * The angle of the split.
 * @property angle
 * @type Number
Object.defineProperty(PIXI.RGBSplitFilter.prototype, 'angle', {
    get: function() {
        return this.uniforms.blur.value / (1/7000);
    set: function(value) {
        //this.padding = value;
        this.uniforms.blur.value = (1/7000) * value;